Baltimore, MD - Jan. 3, 2019 - As we come up to the first yahrzeit of Chaiya Drabkin, a'h, co-founder of the Jewish Caring Network (JCN), all of us who knew Chaiya, and all of us who benefited from the incredible work of JCN, are filled with emotion.

We are still bereaved, mourning the loss of her glowing presence in our midst, the unstoppable optimism and simchas hachaim (joy) which remained until the end, the devotion to chesed (kindness) that could not be deterred by any circumstance, not even the circumstance of her own devastating illness.

And yet we cannot help but remember the middah (character trait) that she embodied — simcha (happiness)— and smile at the warmth and joy of the memories she left us. Whatever Chaiya did, she did with simcha. Whether it was planting a garden, teaching music, even cooking a pot of soup for her children and grandchildren, her every action was an act of joy, flowing from her own wellspring of simcha, and reaching out to everyone she met.

When she first received her diagnosis, she looked in the mirror, and said, I will accept this and I will not be sad. I will handle this nisayon (test) with simcha.

And she did. No one on the chemo floor at Johns Hopkins — patients or staff — will ever forget Chaiya, the woman who came to chemo with a huge smile, who decorated her chemo infusion pole with smiley faces, who handed out her business card to everyone, a card which read: Chaiya Drabkin: D.O.P.T.F.C.S.!! (Director of Positive Thinking, Future Cancer Survivor!!).

Chaiya leaves behind a beautiful family, which now includes two young granddaughters named for her. She leaves behind the incredible chesed organization she cofounded: the Jewish Caring Network, which supports families facing serious illness — with 125 families receiving JCN’s loving support each year, and well over 1,500 families since its inception 22 years ago. And she leaves behind her extraordinary legacy of simcha, simcha that knows no bounds and yields to no obstacles.

When we thought about how to commemorate Chaiya’s yahrzeit, we knew that simcha must be at its center. The world-renowned speaker and author Rabbi Paysach Krohn, who knew the Drabkins since they were a young couple living in Queens, NY, has offered to speak, l‘ilui nishmasa, on the topic of simcha.

Please join us on Monday, January 7, at 8 PM at Congregation Shomrei Emunah, for a free program for men and women presented by Rabbi Paysach Krohn, on the topic of Bringing Simcha into Our Lives. The program has been graciously sponsored by Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care, in conjunction with Congregation Shomrei Emunah.

We at the Jewish Caring Network feel so privileged to be able to honor Chaiya’s life in a way that combines learning Torah, which she loved, and simcha, which she exemplified.

Yehi zichra baruch.